Mobile 3D LAser Scanning SErvices
Vehicle-mounted LiDAR for mobile data collection
Get precise spatial data on large areas in less time with our mobile 3D laser scanning services. With our vehicle-mounted Leica Pegasus, we have the capacity to gather high-quality data in just minutes/kilometre (compared to hours/kilometre with other methods)!
Use our detailed laser data for mapping, construction and maintenance planning, and record-keeping for all kinds of assets / projects.
- Ground-based mapping via gator or ATV
- Road and highway scanning with truck-mounted laser scanner
- Railway scanning with hi-rail laser scanner
Reduce down-time on vital road and rail corridors, reduce safety and access concerns, and collect data over large areas quickly and with less manpower.
Benefits of Mobile Laser Scanning
Combining mobile + laser scanning means you get more efficient, accurate data collection.
This application can cover large areas quickly, taking just 1-2 minutes per kilometre.
More precise than traditional surveying, our data is accurate, collecting over 1 million points per second.
In addition to the asset itself, our scans pick up surrounding objects such as trees, power lines, etc. so you have extra data when needed.
Risk Management
Collect data on assets that would present hazards (such as traffic) or are difficult to access (such as rail or wilderness).
Rapid collection also limits down time needed for safety measures so you can resume regular operations sooner.

Best‐in‐class, high DENSITY, mobile mapping technology
Our Leica Pegasus Two Ultimate mobile laser scanner features highest positioning accuracy, patented camera with 360º images – calibrated to the point cloud, and captures 1.016 million points per second.
Check out this detailed tech comparison between our Leica P2U and the competition.
Mobile 3D Laser Scanning Use Cases
Gain virtual access to asset data – conditions, measurements, etc – without extensive man-hours, travel, scaffolding, ladders and lifts, extensive safety risks, lengthy interruptions.
Accurate data for your asset maintenance planning – especially useful for remote, heavy traffic, overhead, electrical, assets
Guide decisions, optimize value, identify problems.
Anything from GIS, 3D models, detailed AutoCAD files, to PDFs and JPEG images, etc.
Such as AR or VR applications
With laser/point cloud data, we can create a range of deliverables
- 3D photogrammetric models, Revit, GIS
- Simple plan sets, reports, spreadsheets, and images (PDF, CAD, XLSX, JPEG and beyond)
If you need specific reports or file formats, just ask.

Client Frequently Asked Questions
How do I view the data?
As point cloud data and 3D models can be resource-heavy, we offer remote data hosting, which you can access through TruView. Or, your 3D model can be loaded onto Sketchfab for you to access there.
How much does it cost?
The cost of our advanced laser photogrammetry really depends on the asset details
- How large is is it?
- Where is it?
- Do we need a drone?
- How quickly do you need the deliverables?
- etc
While the initial cost may be more than traditional methodologies, it’s a versatile dataset that can be put to use in various ways (e.g., producing other types of reports/deliverables) to save money in the long run.
Do I need to shut down the roadway or railway for you to be able to scan?
For roadways – no, we can scan on an active roadway (though we would avoid peak traffic times).
For rail – we schedule a time between trains so your downtime is minimal to none (depending on train schedule + amount of scanning needed)
Are there privacy concerns with the data you collect and what do you do to protect? E.g., license plates, faces
Our data is always password protected and behind a firewall and other appropriate security measures.
When we provide data to clients, it’s either being used privately and not subject to FOIPP concerns.
We also have software we can run the data through to obscure faces, license plates, etc.
If you have more questions about this, feel free to contact us.
Is the laser dangerous? E.g., vision, radiation, triggering safety systems
No, the laser on the Leica Pegasus Two Ultimate is rated class 1 and does not require any safety measures. This is safer than barcode scanners, which are class 2 lasers.
Note – not all laser scanners are created equal. Other makes and models may have safety concerns and it is important to check user manuals.
More information on laser classifications and safety information here.