QUality Control & monitoring Surveys

Construction Quality ControlS and Structure Monitoring

Confirm accuracy to specifications and adherence to construction standards with accurate and complete as-built data.

Verify and monitor structure integrity, degradation, and erosion on key assets with quantifiable data.

All with the utmost precision and detail via our premier laser scanning services. 

  • As-built data for all phases of construction (including pre- and post-construction)
    • Floor flatness and floor levelness scans
    • Utilities (water/sewer, HVAC, electrical)
    • Building location, foundation, columns, supports,
    • Interior or exterior walls, ceilings, roof
  • Structure movement and erosion monitoring
    • Retaining walls
    • Floors
    • Building exterior walls
    • Tunnels
    • Piles / footings

What Sets Us Apart


Put your trust in our decades of industry experience, specialized equipment, and certified geomatics technologists


Attention to detail

Because of the accuracy of our work, we’ve been able to improve pre-fab construction as well as detect errors and clashes before they happen


We use a combination of modern tools and technologies (e.g., laser scanning) to make our work more accurate and more efficient

Quality Control / Monitoring survey Use Cases

While it can seem like an extra expense, as-built data can ensure smooth completion, provide “insurance” against future issues, and help plan for crucial maintenance actions. This can save thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars in corrections down the road.

  • Make sure tasks were completed correctly / to spec
  • Have accurate records for troubleshooting
  • Document accountability
  • Avoid unforeseen clashes due to changes or inaccuracies from drawings
  • Quantify and monitor structural movement / changes (for integrity analysis by engineers)


Tell us what type of deliverable works for you – from a Revit model, to AutoCAD drawings, to simple PDF or Excel files.

Client Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete quality control and monitoring surveys?

Turnaround times always depend on the size and complexity of the project. However, we do everything we can to meet your timelines.

Our mobile laser scanning capabilities and other modern, specialized technology can mean quicker turnaround times than some companies or on-site surveyors. We also do everything we can to avoid extended down-time – e.g., scan during off-times for the smallest disruption to regular operations.

We’ll be able to provide a more accurate estimate after we know the details of your project.

Other questions?

Because construction projects are so varied in nature, it’s tough to anticipate many questions in advance. But if you have specific questions we can address, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!